Welcome!!! Please, if you are new here, READ THIS FIRST!!! Thank You!!!

Thank you for visiting. Content MAY BE TRIGGERING ESPECIALLY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED ABUSE, STRUGGLE WITH SELF-INJURY, SUICIDE, DEPRESSION OR AN EATING DISORDER. Contains graphic descriptions of suicidal thoughts, self-injury and emotional, physical and sexual abuse. Do not read further if you are not in a safe place. If you are triggered, please reach out to your support system, a mental health professional or call 911.

All images and content are Copyright © to ClinicallyClueless. All rights to the images and all content on this site and on all ClinicallyClueless materials belong exclusively to the artist/author. No use of any content, commercial or non-commercial is permitted without written consent from the author and artist.

Disclaimer: Although I have worked with persons with mental illness for twenty years, I do not have a Master's Degree or a license. This is not meant to be a substitute for mental health care or treatment. Please obtain professional assistance from the resources listed on the right of the page, if needed. And call 911 if you or someone is in immediate danger.

A key word that you will see:

Fragmentation: a mental process where a person becomes intensely emotionally focused on one aspect of themselves, such as “I am angry” or “no one loves me,” to the point where all thoughts, feelings and behavior demonstrate this emotional state, in which, the person does not or is unable to take into account the reality of their environment, others or themselves and their resources. This is a term that my therapist and I use and is on the continuum of dissociation.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mental Health Awareness Month

This week is dedicated to Mental Health Awareness.  So what are some examples of mental illness/disorders, you may be surprised or not:

Tic disorder (Tourette’s)
Elimination Disorders
Selective Mutism
Dementia (at least 10 different forms)
Amnesic disorders,
Catatonic Disorder
Substance Related Disorders
Alcohol Related Disorders,
Amphetamine Related Disorders
Caffeine-Related Disorders (I was once diagnosed with this…I have know idea why, by the way where is my coffee!)
Cannabis-Related Disorders
Cocaine-Related Disorders
And the list goes on for each substance addiction
Schizophrenia (five different types)
Other Psychotic Disorders
Mood Disorders ( depression, bipolar, mood disorders, substance –induced mood disorder)
Anxiety Disorders (Panic Disorde, Social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder)
Somatoform Disorders (presence of physical symptoms that suggest an illness, but is actually attributed an underlying stress. For me, my psoriasis and rash on my neck expresses my anxiety)
Dissociative Disorders (five types)
Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleep Disorders
Impulse-Control Disorders
Adjustment Disorder
Personality Disorder (Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal, Antisocial, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Avoidant, Dependent, Borderline, Obessive-Compulsive)

WHO (World Health Organization) statistics for 2002 show that 154 million people globally suffer from depression, only one form of mental illness. Mental disorder effects everyone as one in four have some type of disorder globally. Mental disorders comprise a broad range of problems, with different symptoms. However, they are generally characterized by some combination of abnormal thoughts, emotions, behaviour and relationships with others. They must interfere with daily life functioning or cause significant distress. Mental, neurological and behavioural disorders are common in all countries around the world, causing immense suffering and staggering economic and social costs. People with disorders are often subjected to social isolation, poor quality of life and higher death rates.

For more information, go to Tasmania Department of Health and Human Services, WHO (World Health Organization), World Federation of Mental Health, World Congress Federation for Mental Health or do a Google Search. There is a lot of information available.

Do you or someone you know have a mental illness? Please describe your experience.


Isaiah 49 :15 -16

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