“What do you mean, you ‘don’t believe in homosexuality?’ It’s not like the Easter Bunny, your belief isn’t necessary.” ~ Lea DeLaria.
This week I will be reposting some of last year's series about how as a straight Christian became a gay rights supporter. Ending Sunday where in Los Angeles is the 40th anniversary of the Gay Pride Parade. Please read my series as you will discover some interesting facts. Regular programming will begin next Monday.
I wonder how a person who has been a Christian for almost 30 years goes from believing that the Bible says, “ homosexuality is a sin,” to being a supporter for gay rights. I can’t wait to see the post. Oh but, it is my story and I need to write it first. Actually, by this time I’ll be done. Yes, I’m crazy!! There is so much information that I could write a thesis, but posts don’t allow for that. As a result, I will be more general.
This week I will be reposting some of last year's series about how as a straight Christian became a gay rights supporter. Ending Sunday where in Los Angeles is the 40th anniversary of the Gay Pride Parade. Please read my series as you will discover some interesting facts. Regular programming will begin next Monday.
I am not your “typical” Christian, an evangelical fundamentalist Christian which is what you see most on television. What I see and hear in the media makes me very angry as I do not believe that what they do and say are part of what a Christianity is to me. They are often very judgmental, condemning and hurtful which is directly against what I believe we as Christians are called to do. (funny, I’m being judgmental by that statement) We are called to love.
Matthew 22:36-40 says, “‘Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?’ And He [Jesus] said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. And a second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.’” This verse is also in the old testament in Deuteronomy 6:5.
What I hear and see the church do is often condemning and hateful and not fruitful. I know that the first part also is part of the reason that homosexuality is considered a sin that will cause a person not to inherit the kingdom of God. (That is also why we have Jesus…long story). I will address the issue of sin later. I just wanted to address what most people see in the media and what the Bible actually says. Please keep in mind that we are in the process of becoming more like Jesus. So, I’ve never ever had a problem with loving versus condemnation as an issue within myself.
Read more about my journey on tomorrow…please.
“You’ll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart.” ~ George Michael, “Kissing a Fool”
I'm completely with you, CC. I'm not a Christian, but I believe that all people deserve to be happy and live the life they want to live (as long as it doesn't hurt people near them). And because homosexuality hurts no one I believe LGBTQ people deserve as many rights as the next person and deserve to live in peace.
I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this series!
Wishing you well,
Thank you. I think that your being a non-Christian adds a different view point to my posts. I'm trying to figure out how much and what to post because October is history month. I'm trying to fill this week with Gay pride things.
Again, I appreciate your loving openmindedness, as well as your outspokenness, CC, because in my way of thinking Jesus Christ could never condemn Love between consenting adults. And it is only our sexually repressed society that can.
I agree with Nos...I agree too that every human being has the right to live in peace and be happy and there are so many things I just don't understand but like Micheal Fox says...I want to listen with my heart...my heart tells me acceptance and gentleness is more powerful than hatred and anger.
Hi again and thank you for coming back, Judy. I think that it goes far beyond our repressed sexuality. Homophobia, anything different, anything that a group like a church doesn't want to deal with, plain prejudice and ignorance are all factors as well as others. "Avenue Q" has a song that is titled, "Everyone is a little bit racist." It is funny, but often true. Look for it on YouTube.
good for you!! thank you so much for what you're doing. i hope more and more people learn to be open-minded, loving and accepting, like you :)
wishing you well today and always~
Thank you Katie!!! Your comment warmed my heart.
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