“Homophobia is a social disease” ~ Author Unknown
The following is from Dr. Daniel A. Helminiak’s book entitled, “What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality:”
Thirty to forty percent of the youth living on the streets are teenagers who were thrown out or left their homes because they are homosexual.
Thirty percent up to six time higher of teenage suicides are among homosexual youth. Proportionately, this figure is at least three to four times higher than for other adolescents.
It is estimated that over 400 homosexual Christians commit suicide every year.
People lose their jobs because their boss does not like “queers.”
Parents lose custody of their children or visitation rights for being lesbian or gay.
Men and women are evicted from their apartments or their houses are burned because somebody said they were gay.
Gay men and lesbians are routinely beaten up and murdered for being homosexual.
Much human potential is squashed and wasted in people who live for years in secret self-hatred, taught to be afraid of their own hearts.
“The white light streams down to be broken up by those human prisms into all the colors of the rainbow. Take your own color in the pattern and be just that.” ~ Charles R. Brown
The following video was made in 2008:
This video shows that Gays and Lesbians go through Discrimination everyday of their lives. To download the songs visit (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1iyzcvvnwwn) and (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qzynwufo0ln) thank you for watching.
It makes me so angry to know that homophobia is still alive and largely acceptable. To me it's the same thing as racism, and just as dangerous.
It's not fair that gay people have to deal with this, in part, government sanctioned homophobia. DADT needs to go and gay marriage needs to be legal. "Civil commitments" are "separate-but-equal," and we all know how great that turned out the first time we tried that. (Not to mention it's not equal AT ALL. There are thousands of rights that married people have that those in a civil commitment don't.)
End rant.
Once again, thanks for bringing attention to this issue.
Wishing you well,
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