Over the weekend, my husband and I saw Kenny Loggins in concert. We were center eleven rows back...great seats. He is one of my favorite artists and I love him in concert because he interacts a lot with the audience and shares stories. The story in the below video is one that he told.
Emotionally, I began to panic when I was closed in and felt like I was completely surrounded by people and startled at sudden talking or noise. I also was really irritated with the woman behind me who was with a bunch of other women. She first put her handbag on the back of my chair and I accidently knocked it off. Then, she put her feet on my chair and I accidently sat on them when I moved back in my chair. Then, she grabbed on to the side of my chair and I purposely leaned on it. The final straw, even though I didn't say anything was when she keep hitting my hair while clapping...sheesh.
However, I was surprised and frustrated by my breathing and stamina. I wanted to sing and dance, but my body didn't cooperate. I wonder if the other concerts being outdoors helped. But, this time, I kept coughing and was exhaused and winded midway through the two hour concert. I slept ALL day the next day. I am again reminded that my pneumonia last year was serious and that I am still recovering and need to be gentle with myself...But, I want to sing and dance!!!
It is a victory that I wanted to do this and I got through the evening without an emotional melt down.
The concert seemed too short as there were many songs that he didn't sing that I wanted to hear, but I don't think he or I would have lasted much longer. One difficulty was his in ear monitor which wasn't working properly, so his voice was off key at parts or he had difficulty singing. I hope others knew that and didn't attribute it to his singing because he still sounds fantastic. (And is still very cute!! I almost touched his hand. I was close enough when he came into the audience) I had a great time.
I'm so glad you had a great time despite that rude woman behind you. It's great to hear that you're engaging in activities that make you feel good.
Wishing you well,
Pneumonia? I didn't know you had it.
Take care.
I wanted to ask you a favor. Could you write a review of Hella Heaven at Blogged?
I have two reviews and need another to go back to the position I was. It's funny we care about these tiny things but it's the only reward we have from blogging.
Take care!
NOS, I wanted to clobber the woman though. It does feel good to be going out more. Thank you and take good care of yourself.
Last year was quite eventful. This is a link to the summary of last year. http://clinicallyclueless.blogspot.com/2010/01/what-i-discovered-and-gained-in-2009.html
Of course, I will write you a review.
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